Thursday, March 5, 2009

Pearls Galore - Mar 04

Thanks Bhargav for the prelude to the BREAKING NEWS...without further rambling, we welcome a few more 'hidden talents' to the League.

But madame, u need an agent for transformation right? - YS: 11 am 

GEM: 11:20 am
Harshil (in his inimitable style) : Ma'am but a company should charter your growth trajectory. 
Everyone including ma'am is flabbergasted. Harshil senses the shock he has created all around and gets excited. Looking at the stunned expressions of ma'am, he starts ranting:

Harshil: Ma'am the thing is when u throw a stone in the air, it follows a path. This path is called a trajectory. (uncontrollable laughter at such an innocuous clarification...if u thought this was on). 

He gets up, goes to the board and draws a demand-supply like graph (he must hv mistook it to be an Economics class) and starts explaining details of the curve slopes for NMIMS grads career v/s that of others, in his inimitable poker-faced style. 

Sahil, the only one actually listening, raises a doubt that the curve should be exponential, to which an-in-form Harshil retorts:
Harshil: u see a linear growth trajectory is a conservative estimate. 
(Sahil is plain stunned into silence)
Man, Harshil with a marker beside the board!

Guru YS: 2:10 pm (giving gyaan to the keen ears of Harsha, Debu and Roopam) : CFA is nothing but a mind game.

Rajiv: (in the HR role play) 11:40 pm
I wanted to discuss my future positioning in the company (Marketing Gyaan Overdose Syndrome)

Flashing debut, the 'Prince of Kolkata' arrives: 
Adi: We should look at the problem not from the periphery but from the core.  (whoa!)

Impact of all this on ISD: 12:45 pm
ISD: It is raining jargons today. But it is for the jargon king to decide whether it is a gem or a jargon.

'Refreshing' to see the blog hit counter rattling along (Assuming, I hope, the prattlers have not inflated the count thru their obsession). This means that a lot of wannabes and curious visitors have chosen to have a dekko. If u feel lost, we are NOT surprised. As a guideline please note the following:

1) The mind boggling blog name is the creative output of Bhargav. So any bouquets, brickbats, votes MUST go to him. 

2) We wud request u to first read our VISION STATEMENT post sumwhr below thoroughly. This will help u appreciate the posts better. You may then proceed to enjoy our Collectors' Edition, a selection of choice gems and unique FIM series, which should refresh your thought process.

3) We take pride in our product quality and are pleased to inform u tht as a differentiator, we are offering a never-before seen performance guarantee plus service commitment.  We assure u that after going thru the blog posts, u will either be more lost than before or feel enlightened, but the time spent here will not cause boredom. Please let us know in case u are dissatified with the quality (no questions asked), we will strive to make the content richer. 
An added attraction is our service commitment, wherein we assure u of medical assistance in the rare event of a migraine cropping up due to exposure to our blog. Our prattlers will be pleased to investigate the extent of damage and serve u within 4 hours.
(Special thanks to Xerox Corp, for voluntarily carrying out this market research for us. This has greatly helped us chart out this unbelievable hybrid guarantee differentiator).
